American teenage girls are more blitzed with touched up photos of too skinny models and entertainment personalities, not the Dove campaign of real women. Hooray for Julia Bluhm, a 14 year old, who started a campaign targeted at Seventeen Magazine and gathered 25,000 signatures on line.

Bluhm was motivated by the complaints of too many girls in her ballet class that they were fat. Seventeen Magazine’s editor in chief has signed a Body Peace Treaty that promises, among other things, to “never change girls’ body or face shapes” – never never. Photoshop no more.

They promise to show how any body type or face can walk into a room and own it. In fact, they are promoting a “Real Girl – Cover Girl” contest. Let the fireworks begin!

Note to Martha Stewart – We see you on your own show, on the Today Show, etc. When I watch you, I tell myself that if you, with all your money, personal trainers and gym, have filled out in the middle, I can accept my own disappearing waist line. You’re still model legs are another story. I never had those.

So, Martha Stewart, I don’t want to see your touched up, air brushed face on my copy of Martha Stewart Living. You’re my hero for who you are and what you’ve done – wrinkles, belly fat and all. Do I really have to start a petition among baby boomers.